0.1825 is 73/400 as a fraction
Word “fraction” is derived from the Latin word fractus. It simply means how many parts of a whole we have. A fraction consists of a numerator, a slash and denominator. For example in the fraction 3/4, 3 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator.
0.1825 1
× 10000 | ||
0.1825 1 | = | 1825 10000 |
× 10000 |
(Do you see how it turns the top number into a whole number?)
÷25 | ||
1825 10000 | = | 73 400 |
÷25 |
Note: 1825/10000 is called a decimal fraction and 73/400 is called a common fraction !
The simplest way to read fractions is to simply read them as numerator over denominator. Example, fraction 5/8 can be read as five over eight.
Lets say in a school of 400 students, there are 73 boys and remaining are girls. We can then simply say the the fraction of boys in this school are 73/400 and ratio of boys to total students is 0.1825